By Steve Johnson
Road Guardians – Program Director
This is the time of year most of us have been waiting all year for: prime riding season. Looking at the pictures people have been sharing online, it seems everyone is out enjoying the summer weather. Things have been busy around Road Guardians as well; we held our first annual Car and Motorcycle Show with our neighbor Martin’s Automotive on July 12. A great time was had by all who attended and our thanks go out to all our volunteers who made it happen.
I am so proud of everyone from our group and their response to this situation!
On Saturday, former Governor Tommy Thompson joined us riding for the day. In the morning, we visited Wild Cat Mountain and encountered some rain. We enjoyed a great lunch provided by Al Muth Harley Davidson in Black River Falls, WI. As temperatures climbed in the afternoon, Tommy invited to stop by his home on his ranch. Then back to the hotel where he hosted an outstanding evening party complete with pig roast. Our final night’s party was covered by the local media.
Saturday July 23rd brought the Born To Ride movie world premiere screening event at the Marcus Theater. Following the showing of the movie, Mike Anthony Jones, the movie’s writer/producer hosted a reception to benefit Road Guardians at our compound in Big Bend. A cast party featuring many of the movie’s stars including Branscombe Richmond, Keith Ball and Dave Zien will be held at our Compound on Sunday, September 4th during the Milwaukee Rally as part of our joint fundraiser with ABATE of Wisconsin Share the Road Program. Watch our website and Facebook page for the latest details.