Spring Changes
By Steve Johnson, RG Program Director
With spring finally looking to arrive in the Midwest, it’s great to see the bikes return to the road. While winter kept many off of their bikes, things have been very busy with Road Guardians. A record number of riders have been trained in Accident Scene Management training. We have settled into our new compound in Big Bend, WI and have hosted a bike night every Tuesday night. The place is looking and feeling like home.
With the Road Guardians Program coming up on our second year, looking back we can see how far we have come. We have hosted two national Better Biker Conferences and are working to plan for our third one coming in early 2012. Road Guardians also encourages motorcyclists to continue to look for ways to not only avoid a crash but to also have a “disaster plan” should the unthinkable occur. Using the Haddon Matrix and NAMS as models for our message to Motorcyclists and Professionals, we are making significant headway as we connect Prevention and First Response as Motorcycle Safety efforts that have a common goal: Reduce injuries and Fatalities!
In order to continue the growth of the Road Guardians program, I have been asked to fill the newly created position of RoadGuardian Program Director. It is my plan to assemble a team to grow and build the resources and services that we provide to our members. One of the first areas we will need help with is forming a committee to oversee the planning for next year’s Biker Betterment Conference. We would also like to host a fundraiser social event the Sunday over Labor Day weekend to coincide with the Milwaukee Rally. Look for my monthly newsletter column to keep everyone up-to-date as we grow into our second year. Do you have ideas to help grow the Road Guardian Program? Are you willing to be involved and help as we grow? Email me at Steve@roadguardians.org and we will find a place for you on the team.
Does your picture show you riding with out a helmet on the streets of our nations capitol? You must have had an awesome photographer to get that shot.Ride Free..